Club Show Speciality RRCI Orsenigo 08-07-17
ZANARDI’S Team at Club Show Speciality RRCI Orsenigo 08-07-17
ZANARDI’S Hummer 1′ Ecc, CAC (int. class male)
ZANARDI’S Faraon 1′ Ecc, RCAC (open classe male)
ZANARDI’S Grace 2′ Ecc (int. class female)
ZANARDI’S Indio 3′ Ecc (young class male)
“DIOR” In The Moon Out of Africa Ecc (open class male)
ZANARDI’S Ethiopia Vg (open class female)
ZANARDI’S Khaleesi Vg (young class female)
– Congratulations to all the members of this beautiful family
– A special thanks to the judge “breed specialist” Mrs Denise Flaim (USA
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