Club Show Speciality RRCI Orsenigo 08-07-17

ZANARDI’S Team at Club Show Speciality RRCI Orsenigo 08-07-17

🏆 ZANARDI’S Hummer 🏆 1′ Ecc, CAC (int. class male)

🏆 ZANARDI’S Faraon 🏆 1′ Ecc, RCAC (open classe male)

🏆 ZANARDI’S Grace 🏆 2′ Ecc (int. class female)

🏆 ZANARDI’S Indio 🏆 3′ Ecc (young class male)

🏆“DIOR” In The Moon Out of Africa 🏆 Ecc (open class male)

🏆 ZANARDI’S Ethiopia 🏆 Vg (open class female)

🏆 ZANARDI’S Khaleesi 🏆 Vg (young class female)

– Congratulations to all the members of this beautiful family
– A special thanks to the judge “breed specialist” Mrs Denise Flaim (USA

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